About Us
School Profile
Vision, Mission & Beliefs
We envision a valued and dynamic school district that prepares students for success in a global community.
Our mission is to maximize student learning by providing challenging and engaging educational experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
- We believe the needs of students, personnel, families, and the community are best met with a unified direction.
- We believe our purpose is to lead students to success by engaging them in challenging and meaningful work.
- We believe teachers are leaders who design learning experiences for students.
- We believe our personnel, families, and community members are vital to the education of our students.
- We believe in creating and maintaining a safe, inviting, and inclusive learning environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Es nuestra visión ser un distrito escolar dinámico y apreciado que prepara a los estudiantes para el éxito en una comunidad internacional.
Nuestra misión es de aumentar al máximo el aprendizaje estudiantil, proveyendo experiencias educativas interesantes y desafiantes dentro de un ambiente seguro y propicio.
- Creemos que las necesidades de los estudiantes, del personal, de las familias, y de la comunidad se cumplen mejor con una dirección unificada.
- Creemos que nuestro propósito es de guiar a los estudiantes hacia el éxito, e involucrarlos en un trabajo desafiante y significativo.
- Creemos que los maestros son líderes que diseñan experiencias de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes.
- Creemos que nuestro personal, las familias y los miembros de la comunidad son vitales para la educación de nuestros estudiantes.
- Creemos en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro, acogedor y participativo donde se trate a todos con dignidad y respeto.
Meet Our Principals
Mandie Jones
Welcome to the Bruin Nation!
As the saying goes, “There’s no place like home.” I began my career here at Northwest in 2002 and taught language arts for 15 years before joining our sister high school, Southeast, as an administrator. Through the years, this community has become like family to me. It is filled with kind, honorable people who work hard and have each other’s backs--except during Friday night football, of course. :) That’s why walking back into halls emblazoned with blue and orange symbols of Bruin pride felt like coming home.
As a mom of two daughters, I know how important education is to opening doors to the future. I also understand how crucial it is that students in our building trust that the adults care about them and support them. Whether in the classroom, on our playing fields, or through one of many specialized programs, we will help students grow and push them to be the very best they can be. When we ask for their best, we will give them our best.
With so many activities, sporting events, and community gatherings, I’m sure we will have a chance to meet in person. Together we can share ideas, cheer for our teams, support school and community organizations, and lift up our young men and women. It takes a village.
If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call 706-516-2200 or email mandie.jones@wcsga.net. I can’t always fix, but I will always listen.
Let’s have an amazing year!
Mandie Jones
Tony Crossen
Assistant Principal - Athletic Director
Jennifer Eller
Assistant Principal
When I was a little girl, I had a rich imagination and could often be found playing school in my bedroom where I would teach my stuffed animals using leftover purple-inked dittos that my own teachers would give me. Those plush toys were a tough crowd, but I think it was good preparation for my future. As long as I can remember, I wanted to be a teacher, and, even though in college I thought I needed to choose a career that would pay more money, the call of education won out. Throughout my career as an educator, I have learned that I am indeed a rich woman for following my passion.
I started in this profession twenty-nine years ago and spent thirteen of them in the classroom at Northwest High School before taking a position as a District Instructional Coach for Whitfield County Schools. During those three years away from the Bruin Nation, I worked with all of our middle and high schools which broadened my understanding of the important work taking place around our district.
I am fortunate that I was able to return home to Northwest as an Assistant Principal, and I still get excited about the beginning of a school year and shed a few tears at the end. I love being an educator, and I am so glad that I listened to my heart and followed the path of what I was meant to do in life. Choosing this road has made all the difference!
Laurie Grant
Assistant Principal
Whitfield County School has been my home for the past 20 years. I served seven of those years as a teacher and ten as an administrator at the elementary level before moving to high school for the past three years. I have had the privilege of watching my Eastside students graduate the past 3 years at Southeast and now have the honor of seeing all my Pleasant Grove babies at Northwest now as young adults. I am looking forward to reconnecting with the families and students I have not seen in a while and meeting everyone new to me. I am beyond excited to be a part of the Bruin Nation family, helping to foster and nurture our students to succeed.
Not only do I have two precious bonus children, but I am also a “Mimi” to three precious grandchildren. Fostering a loving, nurturing environment where my grandchildren can grow, learn, succeed, spread their wings, and have fun while doing it is a priority at home and in the lives of the families and students I am privileged to work with.
I look forward to a collaborative relationship with our families as we work together nurturing the growth of all our learners in a positive environment as they move on to the next path and chapter in their lives.